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tv   MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  July 7, 2017 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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donald trump, the deal makeer, i'm going to reach out, we'll have a better relationship with russia. we'll see. >> paul said it's supposed to be 30 minutes. he bets it will be longer and that's the easiest way for them to say it was a good meeting. >> 30 minutes for them to talk about themselves. that does it for thus morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. >> thanks, mika. good morning. i'm stephanie ruhle. we have breaking news starting with the handshake. president trump and vladimir putin finally face-to-face, the most anticipated meeting of world leaders in a generation sitting down together this very hour. and the stakes could not be higher. north korea, syria, and the fight against terrorism worldwide, huge questions surround this. >> will you once and for all definitively say that russia interfered with the 2016 election? >> i think it was russia. it could have been other people and other countries. >> set for 45 minutes from now the two are finally face-to-face. >> i respect putin.
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he's a strong leader, i can tell you that. i think i'd get along very well with vladimir putin. >> kind words turn into tough talk while outside the summit, protesters are ramping up for another day of chaos. the first lady trapped in her residence. our reporter right there in the middle of it all. >> there are now clashings between protesters and police. >> president trump meeting with world leaders right thousand were a closed session at the g-20 summit with members taking this photo a short time ago in hamburg. but it is the meeting between president trump and vladimir putin that all of us are waiting for. we have the best team in the business on what to expect and really what's at stake. nbc's norah o'donnell is live at the g-20 in germany now. kelly, there is certainly a lot going on. got the handshake between president trump and vladimir putin already this morning,
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while president trump is tweeting that he's looking forward to meeting with world leaders including putin. what new details have you learned about this meeting? it's going to take place in just a few minutes. >> reporter: well, we expect that they are running behind at this point. not a big surprise when you get leaders of this stature on the world stage together, sometimes the conversations extend and things slide a bit. so we'll have to get an update on when we think the trump/putin meeting will actually happen. we expect it could be as much as an hour behind. perhaps they can find time where else in the schedule. a bit of other news related to mexico, the president has already met with his counterpart from mexico. that's a tense relationship too. the president was asked by our colleagues in the white house pool do you still expect mexico to pay for the wall. one of the biggest issues of the campaign and one of the most severe issues between the two countries. president trump did respond, choosing to answer that question with an absolutely. so that is one piece of what's
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happening here and unfolding at the g-20. but we also have the issue and apparently some diplomacy with the flies as well, but the putin meeting has high stakes. we know why. we have seen that bit of video captured by a photographer for angela merkel, the host of the g-20, the german chancellor, showing that handshake. president trump extending his hand. he's got a little bit of a height advantage over vladimir putin. and in that moment we begin the assessment of the body language. when the meeting happens it will be different than some of the others that occur. and by that i mean a very limited list of officials who will be taking part. the two presidents, putin and trump, the two secretaries of state for the russians it's the moern minister sergey lavrov, for the united states it's rex tillerson. and interpreters. that's it. in many other meetings you will find that there will be an inclusion of other officials who are here. the secretaries of treasury and commerce, the counselor to the
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president or top advisers. the national security adviser. that would be typical for many of these meetings. but, stephanie, not so with the meeting with putin. it does a couple things. it reduces the number of people in the room so they can really have a connection. it also reduces the numb per of people in the room who can actually speak to what occurred. we expect that we will hear some kind of briefing from the u.s. side after the putin meet bug there will be very few people who will be able to tell us what happened inside that room by limiting the number of participants that reduces that even more severely and we'll have to see how much they're willing to say about the issues discussed and the personal relationship between putin and trump. stephanie? >> all right. joining me now, former u.s. ambassador to morocco, mark ginsburg, along with my panel, former writer for president george w. bush and ceo of american majority ned ryan and msnbc contributor eddie gloud. ambassador, president trump and vladimir putin already had this
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moment this morning shaking hands, but what are your expectations? they're going to meet in just a few minutes and for the average american, for us, this is all about russia med wdling with th election. is president trump going to bring it up? earlier today i heard congressman mcfaul say he might not bring it up, and if he doesn't, that would be a win for putin. >> no doubt, stephanie, his female your to overtly bring it up with putin would be a win for putin and a loss for the american people. but i bet you they're going to try to finesse it in some way by saying that the two countries have agreed that they need to work together to try to determine the sources of efforts to breach elections around the world. so how's that for a punting that may go on. and where the two of them don't even get into a tit for tat over exactly what the russians did because that would almost be a setup for president trump by pew tip because putin has already denied that russia has had anything to do with this. but the issues between the two
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men go far beyond the optics. there's the issue of syria and russia's interference in american efforts to beat isis. there's the meeting between putin and president xi over whether or not the two countries, russia and china, can help the united states avoid a confrontation in a korean peninsula over north korea's nuclear weapons. and finally and most importantly, there's the issue over whether or not the united states is going to commit to a holding nato from expanding further into eastern europe as well as militarizing the eastern flank that putin is determined to avoid at all costs. >> ned, yesterday president trump refused to unequivocally say that russia interfered with our elections. take a look. >> will you once and for all, yes or no, definitively say that russia interfered with the 2016 election? >> well, i think it was russia and i think it could have been other people and other countries. >> if president trump is unwilling to say this, this is not tying him personally in his
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campaign. it's as though it seems that president trump continues to make this a personal issue and it's not a personal issue, not for vladimir putin and not for most people here. >> he did say russia and could have been others and i think the thing i want to focus on, though, is -- >> hole on. that's like my kids saying who ate the snacks, could have been me or my brother. >> we're focusing on a few word. i want to look at some of the actions and the strong stance he's taken against russia. let's look at what he said yesterday in poland, you know, calling out russia on polish soil saying we're not going to tolerate you messing with the ukraine anymore, syria, i am recommitting to article 5, applauding poland for getting the patriot air missile system. the thing i was saying to eddie before we came on most people aren't covering is his addressing the three seas initiative. this is 12 european nations in central and eastern europe committed to bringing north to south infrastructure, telecommunication, all these things. trump in his speech to the polish people said we are
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committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy so poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy. half of the russian government's revenue comes from oil and gas exports. trump is taking a very strong stance and going right at the power of the russian government. i think these actions are extremely strong. >> ned brings up a good point. if you think about the sanctions, the russian economy is dependent on energy. it's that or nothing. it has hurt them. >> i think there is some mixed messaging here. at the same time you acknowledge he says this, there is a kind of reluctance to acknowledge the fact that the russians in some ways tampered with our elections. that's the first thing. the second thing is you think about the president's response to congress' effort to kind of stiffen sanctions vis-a-vis russia in relation to meddling in our elections. so part of what we see here is just what we saw in the speech in poland generally, a series of mixed messages. >> not really consistent with what he did on june 20th when the ukrainian president came to
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the white house, that day treasury announced sanctions on over three dozen russian individuals and organizations for their role in the ukrainian incursion. >> the point is what is he doing in response to what all of our intelligence agencies have said, that the russians have meddled in our elections? >> ambassador, you want to weigh in? >> well, listen, the fact is that insofar as the president is concerned, he already has an extraordinarily hard time trying to get putin what he wants. the congress just passed additional economic sanctions against russia. more than anything else in the whole world, stephanie, what putin wants is a relaxation of economic sanctions as well as a free hand in syria. if the president in any way, shape, or form suggests he's prepared to do a deal with putin to release or to lift sanctions in exchange for xyz, cha will be a real win for putin no matter how you count it. >> is president trump really in a position to do that, though, seeing that he's got congress against him? >> i agree.
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in fact, the fact of the matter is that in some respects there are executive branch sanctions that were imposed by president obama that can be unilaterally released by president trump. but it is no doubt that the president's wiggle room because of the allegations of russian meddling many the election as well as congress' anger an resentment towards putin makes it extraordinarily difficult for him to do anything than glad hand putin at this point. >> ned, you bring up a number of points about president trump's speech in poland yesterday you think has been talked about and covered. what the president didn't do was underscore those important points. when he took to twitter this morning he tweeted about john podesta. everyone here is talking about why john podesta refused to give dnc server to the fbi and the cia. disgraceful. i'm obviously not in the room, but just looking at that room this morning as i'm looking at world leader, angela merkel and christine lagarde and manuel
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macron, i'm going to take a wild guess here, they ain't talking about john podesta. >> no, they're not. what's interesting is going back to again his actions, what he's actually -- >> okay but why isn't -- >> a couple tweets? >> hold on. if those actions are so legitimate and if they're so strong, why isn't the president underscoring them? why is he -- >> but i would like that he would. >> i'm so glad you would like that. why do you think -- >> well, again, i've looked at a breakdown of his tweets in the month of june. 88% of his tweets i liked because he was talking about what the administration was doing, all the good things going on. >> the majority of his tweets have been attacking the media. >> that's not true. about 120 of his 160 tweets dealt with his administration, what he was doing, about 20, 30 tweets dealt with the media. the percentage of -- again, we want to focus on a couple tweets, the majority were about what his administration is accomplishing. >> just so you know, that percentage has changed in the last couple of weeks.
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those numbers -- >> that was through the end of june. that was until -- >> great, so you know what, you can slice anything, if you take a certain period of time to make it work for your narrative. >> what i would like trump to do and common ground is to drive the narrative and reinforce -- again, he has a powerful social media platform. i would like to see him reinforce what he said in poland and his twitter follower, say i'm serious about this. i would hope and encourage him to continue reinforcing the narrative. 90% of his tweets i like. >> i just don't see a policy. i don't know what the russian policy is. you've read some interesting things he said in poland. but i'm trying to figure out what is the policy? >> he has increased the sanctions in the last two weeks. he has called them out. he has reversed what obama did in 2009 and pulling the missile defense system out of poland and the czech republic and said, poland, you can now buy the patriot air defense system. >> ambassador, last point?
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>> i just want to say insofar, that's correct, the president has shown when he's give. speech and direction, he has been harder on russia. let's be clear here, if we think this is going to be a kruschev/kennedy meeting in 1961 where the president is going to walk out of there and have europe and the rest of the world wonder whether he lost at the hands of putin, let's not the body language get in the way of what essentially is reality here, and that is that the united states -- i just came back from europe last night. the united states has viewed in europe right now as a weaker player in terms of the cohesion and effectiveness of nato not the stronger partner that every european leader including the new president of france and angela merkel, the chancellor of germany want. >> let's go outside the summit where protesters are ramping up for another day of protests. the scene yesterday was one of complete chaos. and today protester even preventing the first lady from leaving from g-20 events. i want to bring in keir simmons
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in the thick of the protests since yesterday. keir, i guess i could say i'm happy you don't have a helmet on at have very moment, but the situation still seems very scary. >> we are back on the streets again. let me give you a look. you saw the group of riot police here. more have just arrived, more further back, moving in to control a crowd in that direction, who are looking right now more peaceful than they did yesterday, some of the scenes that we witnessed. but through the morning we have seen vehicles, we have seen tires slashed. the first lady at one point told she couldn't leave. asking for reinforcements. it is not a picture of a situation under control.
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german police at the same time insisting that so far no protester has managed to reach the convention center where the summit is taking place. that summit, you can hear, it is very noisy here at times, but no clashes with the police in this area yet. but that may yet still happen because as i was mentioning, in that direction is the summit where the world leaders where r meeting and that is what these protesters say they want to do. they want to reach that summit. german justice minister -- as you can see, the german justice minister taking a hard line saying to people if they do break the law, they will face criminal prosecution. the german foreign minister pleading with these protesters saying that governments have to be able to get together and have a conversation wiese the world won't change.
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i would say the folks here agres grammy with this. many of these guys anti-capitalist, anarchists, they don't agree with the principle of the g-20 at all. >> keir, stay safe. tense times around the world. next, as we await that high-stakes meeting between president trump and president putin, five senior democratic senators wrote a letter to trump urging imto make clear that interference with our democracy will in no way be tolerated. one of them joins me next. ahh. where are mom and dad? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. love mom and dad' i'm takin' a nap. dude, you just woke up! ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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welcome back to msnbc. i'm stephanie ruhle. moments away from president trump's first meeting with russian president vladimir putin since he took office. ahead of that meeting five top ranking democratic senators have sent a letter to trump urging him to telepiu tin he will not tolerate russian meddling in u.s. elections. senator ben carden, ranking member of the foreign relations
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committee, was one of the lawmakers who signed that letter and he joins me now. senator, good morning. >> stephanie, good to be with you. thanks. >> i want to play for you a bit of what president trump had to say yesterday when he was asked directly if russia was responsible for the meddling. >> i agree. i think it was russia but i think it was probably other people and/or countries and i see nothing wrong with that statement. nobody really knows. nobody really knows for sure. >> with that, are you confident the president will bring this topic up with vladimir putin? >> well, that's not reassuring. we know that russia was behind the meddling in our elections. that can be confirmed by all of our intelligence agencies. they've even done some public releases of a lot of the backup information. so it's clear that russia was responsible. and our point is simple, if the president doesn't bring this up to mr. putin, then it's a signal to mr. putin that he could do this again without any
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repercussion. what we want the president to do is not only to raise this issue, make it clear to russia, that we will not tolerate that type of interference in our democratic system, but make it clear that there are going to be tougher sanctions against russia unless they changed their behavior against the united states. >> could there be any strategy, though, that could explain why he wouldn't pin the election hacking on russia the day before? if he did it sitting across from vladimir putin today, do you think there would actually be tangible results, it would be a positive for the united states? >> well, mr. putin knows exactly what russia did. president trump knows what russia did. so it's clear that raying doubt the way the president did yesterday gives him a weaker hand with mr. putin rather than a stronger hand. it makes no sense at all. >> is there an argument at all to be made that a new approach is needed, the so-called russia reset under obama and hillary clinton, it didn't reset in the way many people hoped. is there a reset that's even a
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possibility here? >> well, we know that russia's doing a lot of things that are against our interests. what they've done in ukraine is outrageous. of course russia is also in moldova and georgia, what they're doing in syria sl abetting a war criminal. what they did in our elections including european elections. so, look, the only way that russia is going to change, is for us to show that's what's going on around the country type of behavior will cause consequences. and the president has to be strong. if he's not strong with russia, russia will continue these types of activities because they're trying to expand their influence in europe, in the united states, in the mideast. that's what they're trying to do. and it's up to our leadership, the president, to make it clear that we will stand strongly behind our democratic institutions and our friends. >> we did talk tough to russia for the last eight years and russia has only sort of gained significance. when you think about it, they have a very weak economy compared to ours. they have a smaller military
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compared to the united states. so maybe one could say the tough talking we've been doing hasn't played out so well. >> russia looks for weakness. russia looks for areas in which there is a void. they're saying that the united states may not be committed as much to the middle east. therefore they're moving into the middle east. they saw that they could go into crimea, take -- annex crimea without any real repercussions so they did that. what you're seeing from russia is if we don't draw a line and when the president didn't mention our mutual defense when he first gave the speech at nato, it was a signal to mr. pew tip that maybe he could go into the baltic countries or maybe he could go in and take some additional territory without nato response. that's what russia's looking for. that's what mr. putin's looking for. he's looking for ways to expand the greater russia, the former soviet union. and if we show weakness, if we show that there's a way in which they can move ahead, they will,
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and that's not in our interest. >> i want to shift to domestic policy for a moment and play with you what your colleague, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell had to say back in his home state of kentucky yesterday specifically about health care legislation. >> if my side is unable to agree on an adequate replacement, then some kind of action on -- with regard to the private health insurance market must occur. >> what is your response to that? you know, in theory, everyone is willing to work together, but are you really willing to work with republicans on fixing private health care iniosurance market? >> absolutely. we said from the beginning the affordable care act was a major stem forward for making health care a right not a privilege in the united states by giving coverage to so many people not only new coverage but also better coverage than they had before. but we need to build on that. and senator mcconnell is correct
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in that we need to make sure that the individual market is a stronger market than it is today. and democrats and republicans i think can work together to improve the affordable care act. what we won't do is repeal the affordable care act and the progress we made. >> bipartisanship. i think that's what so many people are looking for. senator, thanks so much for joining me this morning. >> absolutely. my pleasure. >> all right. we'll take a break. we are all stand big for that meeting with president trump and vladimir putin. and we'll bring you details as soon as we get them. but next, the stock market set to open in just a few minutes and some breaking economic news a very strong jobs report, what that means coming up. before we go, vice president mike pence visited nasa and as you can see wild guy, he did not pay any attention to a sign that says do not touch. mr. vice president, i don't know how much about space flights but when nasa says don't touch something, maybe you should listen to m.c. hammer.
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anytime we are responding to a structure fire, one of the first calls you make is for pg&e for gas and electric safety. it's my job to make sure that they have the training that they need to make the scene safe for themselves and for the public. it's hands-on training actually turning valves, turning systems off, looking at different wire systems all that training is crucial to keeping our community safe and our firefighters safe. together, we're building a better california. welcome back. i'm stephanie ruhle. time for your "morning primer," everything you need to get your day started. we begin in germany where within one hour president trump will sit down with russian president vladimir putin at the g-20 summit. the two worrell leaders met and shook hands for the first time earlier this morning. house majority whip steve scalise remains in the icu in serious condition this morning after undergoing surgery thursday to treat an infection.
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the hospital says he, quote, tolerated the procedure very well. the director of the office of government ethics has announced he will resign nearly six months before his term is scheduled to end, walter shaub has repeatedly criticized president trump for months about potential conflicts of interest. a federal district court judge has ruled to keep president trump's partial travel ban in place. it denied a request from the state of hawaii to clarify the supreme court's ruling to partially uphold the ban last month. the judge said thursday the state must go to the supreme court for more clarification. a delta air lines flight bound for beijing was forced to turn back to seattle thursday night after an unruly passenger in first class attacked and injured a flight attendant 45 minutes into the flight. other passengers helped to restrain the 23-year-old man until the plane landed safely in seattle. happening right now, we are watching the markets. opened 30 second ago.
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the dow reacting to the strong jobs report, 22,000 jobs created with unemployment ticking up to 4.4%. the mark is up slightly, but here we are with the dow at 21,000. let's bring in cnbc's dominic chu. dom, let's talk more about this jobs report. you compare it to last year slightly down, but across the board, we are moving in the right direction. >> we are moving in the right direction and the reason why is because this was a lot stronger than a lot of folks anticipated, stephanie. again, the had had line numbers here, 222,000 jobs created in the month of june. that was well ahead of expectations for around 174,000 jobs. people will point to the slight uptick in the unemployment rate, 4.4%, it was 4.3% prior. average hourly earnings, people are making on average about 0.2% more than they were the previous month. that was slightly below what economists were looking for.
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but in terms of the sectors that were perhaps the strongest overall it was health care, it was financial services, it is mining, it was food and drink, professional services, all of those added to those private sector job gains. so a decent report overall, stephanie. >> it's wage increase people have been looking for so much. i wanted to share just a few minutes ago president trump met with mexican president pena nieto before the bilateral meeting. let's take a look. >> -- pex coe and we're negotiating nafta and some other things with mexico and we'll see how it all turns out. but i think we've made really good progress so great to be with you. [ speaking span irk ] [ speaking spanish ] >> translator: thank you very much. i want to thank you for opening this with president donald trump.
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and i'm sure this is going to help us continue a very flowing dialogue, sir, that will allow for the discussion and negotiation of nafta. working in cooperation, especially for the security of both nations. especially on our borders. and of course also working in migrati migration issues so just a tas that can both of our nations are occupied and our administrations are occupied with this issue as well. and of course [ inaudible ] taking on ourselves to really admit that is a [ inaudible ] is the organized crime issue. thank you so much for this opportunity.
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thank you. >> thank you very much. thank you, everyone. >> do you still want mexico to pay for the wall? >> thank you. >> you can see next to the president steve mnuchin was there, h.r. mcmaster and reporters quickly asking, did you ask about paying for the wall? that wasn't something that the president mentioned. norah o'donnell is standing by and dom chu is still with me. the dom, the first thing we heard from the president, he was smiling ear to ear saying we're talking about nafta and a few other things. could the business relationship between the united states and russia thrive through this? there's so much talk about the wall and it needed to get paid for by mexico. mexico's our third biggest trading parer in. >> mexico is one of our biggest trading partners but also one of those situations where they have a large trade deficit with the united states. the united states has a testify sit with mexico, with canada, with germany, china, a host of other nations out there. mexico is obviously a huge focus here as well, but you talk about these g-20 meetings, much of
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this is going to focus on some of these talks that are going to happen on the sidelines formally or informally, russia the one everyone is focusing on for sure. when it comes to russia, an interesting development because on the global stage russia, one of the biggest energy producers out there, and that's oil and gas, the u.s. now, one of the biggest energy producers out there. so the question becomes whether or not there's a balance or a shift in power with regard to who becomes that supplier of choice to places like eastern, central, and western europe. right now, russia has a commanding lead in supplying natural gas to some of those markets. that trade and economic sanction will certainly be thing a lot of wall street folks are watching. >> rex tillerson, who's going to be in that meeting with president trump and vladimir putin, ha a long relationship with vladimir putin back from his days at exxon. do you think energy is going to be a core focus of that meeting? because it's those sanctions that have really hurt russia. energy, oil and fas, that's really their sole business there. >> well, again, no one really
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knows exactly what they're going to talk about, but the fact that rex tillerson is part of it is certainly going to be a humg foc focus. like you said, when he was ceo of exxonmobil, they had a lot of agreements and a lot of joint venture-type work to jointly develop some oil fields, specifically up in the arctic in russia. the fact these guys are meeting together with tillerson in the room, a lot of folks will point to the idea that perhaps they are trying to figure out ways to better talk about the energy situation overall. but remember, the key here for a lot of these european countries is they are very reliant on russia as are parts of asia and central asia and of course east asia as well. whether or not that russian dominance remains there is going to be a huge key to whether or not the u.s. can at least assert itself if certain parts of that european energy picture. >> if we did, if we can, it would certainly hurt the russian economy. all right, dom. thank you so much. coming up, the meeting between president trump and putin happening within the next hour. we'll bring it to you live when
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it happens. next, what sort of psychological gains should we expect from president putin? you are talking to a studied forper kgb guy coming up against the author of "the art of the deal." [brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny... ...karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event.
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sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. welcome back. you're watching msnbc. i'm stephanie ruhle and we are just moment ace way from that high-stakes face-to-face meeting between president trump and vladimir putin. joining me to break down what could happen, the author of "the man without a face: the unlikely rise of vladimir putin," masha. masha, we have heard a lot about vladimir putin playing psychological games as part of these meetings, bringing a dog to a meeting with angela merkel because he knew as a young girl she was scared of dogs. has he got president trump psychologically profiled and
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he's ready to roll? >> you know, i don't want to overestimate putin's ability to psychologically manipulate somebody. he thinks highly of this ability. it's quite basic. bringing a dog to a meeting is pretty crude tactics. i expect he will certainly try to sort of demonstrate his dominance to trump. i think he's going to lord the russian meddling issue over trump because in this situation basical basically putin has the upper hand. trump does not want the russian meddling in elections to be mentioned and putin can lord it over him. it's almost a blackmail possibility. other than that, they have similar interests. they don't want to km out of this meeting mentioning the election problem. they do want to come out of this meeting, both of them, i think, talking about syria and talking about what a wonderful relationship they have. they don't want to come out of this meeting talking about ukraine. and they don't want to come out of this meeting talking about
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the political and human rights crackdown that's under way in russia right now. >> with the exception, though, of the russian meddling, and i hate to say the exception, because you hate to understate that, is there a scenario where vladimir putin would have the upper hand? energy is basically their sole business. we've already got sanctions against them. and our own energy independence is only growing stronger. we've got a stronger economy across the board, a bigger military force, so there any scenario with the exception of russian meddling issue, which is deeply personal to the president, where vladimir putin would have any sort of upper hand? >> both of these men are not particularly interested in the economy, whatever they might say. they're not there to talk about energy or trade. they're there to demonstrate their dominance. and putin wants to be treated
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like an equal partner, which he wasn't with the obama presidency, to be reckoned with especially on syria, and to have the united states stop taking up the issue of ukraine and of human rights. those last two things have basically been accomplish. when was the last time you heard the white house talk about the illegal war that russia is waging in ukraine? that was still in the obama presidency. when was the last time you heard the state department or the white house talk about the human rights crackdown on russia? that was again back in the obama presidency. putin basically has he what he wants and what he wants more on top of that is he wants trump to pay lip service to the need to cooperate with russia on syria. >> hasn't he already paid lip service in terms of saying yesterday, again, yes, it could be russia and others, undermining our own intelligence agencies?
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has vladimir putin won before this meeting has even happened? >> well, yes, he has. it's very interesting because mashsashgs right. this is going to be a game of personal dominance. donald trump is going to want to come in there looking like a power player and vladimir putin is a power player. we now know that. he's managed to attack the united states and get away with it. and donald trump has kis dismissed it as a hoax. i think you're going to see vladimir putin not only play a game of strategic dominance as the more seasonaled diplomat and, you know, leader in the room, you're also going to see information dominance coming from him. he believes what his intelligence communities say to him. he knows both sides of the story. i think chris matthews said that last night. he knows everything that's going on in the trump catch and everything that's going on in his camp, so he's going to come out of that room wanting handshakes and smiles and both of them gripping firmly at the same time and to show that they are equal partners on the world stage.
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>> masha, we know president trump likes everything to sit on one piece of paper with bullet points and gets his news from watching television. compare that to the extensive research and how studied vladimir putin has been as well as experience, he's been in that seat what, 16, 17 years? >> oh, please, you're overestimating putin's interest and curiosity and level of information. he likes to get his information in 14-point type. he never goes on the internet. he also watches television. and unlike trump, he watches his own television. he watches putin tv. in that sencion i'm not sure that he's any better informed than trump is. in this sense, both men are quite similar. they live in their information bubbles and like their information bubbles. trump is exposed to many more irritants than putin is. >> but that's because -- >> -- trump is experience and emotional control. >> that irritant that president
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trump is subject is because it's here in the united states. garry kasparov said it earlier, you can look at russia more like a mafia state. >> yes, russia is absolutely a mafia state, although trump is starting to establish his own mafia state in the united states. more literally than figuratively. a mafia state is run by its own family for profit. we're starting to see that in united states. >> with atomic bombs p. >> with atomic bombs. >> this situation, this putin-led to autocracy, which is what his end state is, he wants a united states that's much more like russia. he wanted marine le pen in france much more like russia. it will be very interesting to see whether donald trump really affiliates with that, whether he sees himself as either a person who's going to be mentored by vladimir putin to bring what he sees is this form of government
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closer to russia. but it's really going to end up with, you know, the country being exposed to donald trump and vladimir putin and glad handing as opposed to, you know, barack obama and putin, you know, sitting looking sternly at each other. when you see that point, then you know those two have reached parity. >> my goodness. we get out of mall kol nance, dependability. on a friday morning scaring the bejesus out of us. masha, malcolm, thank you so much. next, the meeting we're talking about is minutes away. he'll bring it to you live. and much more on today's huge meeting tonight at 9:00 p.m. when richard engel is live in hamburg as part of our special series "on assignment with richard engel." for mom" per roll more "doing chores for dad" per roll more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent,
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welcome back. you're watching msnbc and right now a live shot just outside the g-20 summit where the protesters continue really the numbers of people out there continuing to grow. i want to bring in nbc's own keir simmons who is live. give us an update. when we spoke to you earlier, things seemed tense. as thoughthies are g those are more. can you hear us? >> i couldn't hear your question, stephanie. but i am now -- we just had to run from the area where a protester gathered and police have surrounded protesters.
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down to near the portie area. police moving in here to try to control this protest, which is just breaking out in every direction. and it is very difficult for them to get control. just going to walk with the police now as they come, as we head down the stairs. just getting pushed around a little bit. just going to walk. okay. they're not letting us do that. as you can see, the police are heading down. needing reinforcements into this area, which is the portieria here in hamburg. further back we can see water -- miguel, can we move down a little bit and we can show them this shot. in that direction there is water canon firing at protesters right now trying to get control of these crowds that have just broken away suddenly. that's what is making it so difficult for the german police is that there doesn't seem to be
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any clear method to the way these protesters are working, stephanie. we talked about the fact that these are desperate groups, not necessarily working together. some anti-capitalists. if we point that way, you can see a group of riot police heading up this street, along this street towards another group of protesters. but all the time what i'm seeing is kind of bands of demonstrators moving independently. and what we think they are doing are trying to get to the area where the summit is being held. they would very much like to break through to that area. that would be their goal. right now the german police, despite what you're seeing, are insisting they have not been able to get -- none of the protesters have been able to get to the world leaders that are
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meeting here today. just to give you an update, stephanie. german police are saying 159 of their officers have been injured. the protesters saying many dozens of theirs have been injured and german police saying so far 35 arrests. i'm going to put the phone up to my ear and see if you can hear me. >> keir, i want to get our panelists to weigh in here. this is extraordinary. this is pure chaos. when you look at those images. you can't believe this is 2017. and these are anarchists. these are anticapitalists. this is about income inequality. this is not about g-20 leaders. >> there is a sense over the course that we've seen last year and this year. a response to deepening inequality as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. eight people, eight people in the world own more wealth than $3.9 billion in the world. this is a reflection. it has taken the form of populism or nationalism. but this is a reflection of a
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general reaction and rejection of economic policies that have left so many people behind. it kind of takes this form in various different ways. >> i think that there's a little more history to that. and i agree that these are certain classes of protesters. you know, anti-governmental protesters are coming out to do, you know, protest against, you know, income inequality. however, there is a very long tradition in germany of having very old school deep seeded protests there. the same way that you have in korea, right? where they're intensely organized. this, 25, 30 years ago would have been atomic bombs, no thanks. now you've seen these guys wearing these buttons horror, this is a protest that is there for all, not just the people who have come for the g-20, but definitely for donald trump and vladimir putin. >> we're going to take a break. extraordinary times. thank you, all.
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we'll monitor these protests and any minute now president trump will be sitting down with russian president vladimir putin and we'll bring that to you live as we get. former director of national intelligence will sit down with andrea mitchell at high noon right here on msnbc. tense day. or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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donald trump and vladimir putin face-to-face. the highly anticipated meeting with so much at stake. the former kgb spy master and the dealmaker now leaders of the world's two biggest military powers. the two men shaking hands earlier this morning for the first time president to president. but in the meeting, which could start any minute now, an opportunity for president trump to confront russia about its meddling in the 2016 u.s. election. talks about a possible way forward together in syria. the global fight against terrorism and also what to do about russia's involvement in crimia, the balkans. this meeting expected to end in a win or a loss for russia on this. putin wants two properties back shut down by president obama for russian hacking. our team set up and ready to go. nbc kelly o'donnell is traveling with the president in germany. good to see you, kelly. what do


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